Day 160 More bulkheads!
Today we put in the other haf of the pilot house forward bulkhead, trimmed it down to match the dash and tacked it in. My origional plan of putting drop boards in may be changed as Gena doesn't like the idea. She has read that people get lazy and complacent during rough weather and don't bother. If anything happened ie. a window blew out, it would take too long to dig out the boards and put them in.
I had to agree on all points as I can be pretty lazy at times hehe.

Possibly a sliding door may be more appropriate. One that we'd never use, but is there just in case. A roll shutter pull up door might be another option, or alas, a regular "in the way" door that swings into the galley (port) side. Yuk!

Base for forward bulkhead rendered from another set of sticks!
My next job was to make the base for the forward most bulkhead base. I used sticks glued together for a batten again. I'm getting better as it fit right into place!

I also cut out the aft pilot house bulkhead's center section which we'll put in tomorrow.

Today was a beautiful day for October this far north. 23ºC ! It was like summer and gave us lots of energy to do a lot in a short time.

Gena welded up the forward pilot house bulkhead to make it waterproof. It's not bad around the radius curve as nothing will shrink and pull in, but on the flat sections great care must be taken to keep the weld size down and only on one side. Coal tar epoxy will be painted on these seams to ensure there is a good seal.

We had to break early to do some tower and antenna work! Gena is so brave! I have a problem with climbing up towers. I hope going up a mast is totally different because both of us need to be able to do that.

Day 160:
5.5 hours - Cut out and fit forward bulkhead base, aft pilothouse bulkhead center, put in and welded starboard pilothouse bulkhead.

to DAY 159
Come chat with us Saturday nights on SONICRAIDER.COM!!

<--------- Fresh Nelly is SonicRaiders featured artist for December 2003!! <---------

to DAY 161