Day81 Capping deck frames
The trimming and fairing of the deck frames went smoothly! The 2.5 inch flat bar was used to mark for trimming, and the curve was iterated ( one to the next ) for a constant curve ever closer towars the bow.
I would say much of our success was based on luck (hehe) as three factors were in play. One was the curve of the longitudinal (2.5") bar. Two, the vertical curve of the deck frames, and three was the length and angle of the frames.. well that's four I guess!
We had to check for congruency between the port and starbord sides just to be sure, but all was fine.
Could it be we're gettin a knack for boatbuilding?
Many methods could have been used here, but for us this was the quickest and most economical way. The real test will be putting on the cabin sides! Yikes!
As I was doing the work on the deckframes, Gena did some final welding around the bow area, and primed it in to protect for winter. Work could stop at any time, depending on the weather.
The frame that crosses ( pic to right ) and marks where the foredeck ends and cabin top starts, was made from the trimmed down template piece we used to align the deck frames.( a mere sliver of it's former self! )

Day 81:
6.5 hours - Put on longitudinals and welded up deckframes

DAY 80

Marine Radios, VHF Commercial,
CB's and Antennas

Days 82+