News Blogs
What's up of late? We're so far behind on the site, we've decided to post more recent developments here!
July 3rd 2008
After a fun and relaxing hot week on the boat at the marina at Trites, we are on our last (we hope) trip back to Alberta. Mostly to pick up the rest of the "stuff" for the boat, but also to bid farewell to friends and family, get things in order, and finish moving out of the house.
We thought we'd be seeing the mast going onto the boat this trip of 1200 kms each way through the mountains, but as luck would have it, nothing progressed. The riggers only tool for swaging the big ends like ours broke mid-job, so he had to order another. This normally would only take a couple of days, but once again, as luck would have it (I hate that idiom!) the 4 day Canada Day weekend followed shortly thereafter. 
To top it all off, we had to return to Alberta for several reasons, by Friday night, but the crane wasn't available until Monday. Oh well, that's boating! We're getting used to it believe me.
We should be heading back out to the coast in about a week, and the launch may be the 14th or 15th, but then who knows?
 July 26th 2008
We're back at last! The past 2 weeks seemed like a decade without the boat. I still found myself going out of the house expecting to go up into the boat only to find she's gone!
When we arrived, the mast was the first thing we noticed, and now she looks like a sailboat. After some modifications to allow the boom to swing, then lots of unpacking, re-organizing, and throwing away, she is now ready for launch!
July 30th 2008
She's in! This is the landmark of the whole project, the moment we have anticipated since we put up the first frame. The champagne left after Dulcie-Darlene had some across her bow helped calm the nervousness we both felt. After the boat was lowered, I anxiously watched as she went in, lower and lower. The water line fell out of view aft, and my heart sank as well.
   It turned out the weight aft needed to be shifted forward, even though she still sits quite low. Lesson learned: Don't trust the design water line. Most people put the boat in to get an idea of where the "real" water line is, but being in Alberta we didn't have that luxury. Oh well, a little paint will fix that problem! The level is about 6" over the bottom of the red line, so only the top thin line shows.
   After sailing her, we can determine if, and how much, lead should be removed from the trim ballast collection. I know we will be removing some, and changing position of more.

As per request, here is a quick video of the whole launch!


Click Images for bigger
August 13th
Today I got to try out the desk/ electronics workbench. Even though the main test set is incomplete, I had no problem designing a new level sensor sender unit for the septic tank. The other had to be removed as the giant doughnut magnet was messing up the flux-gate compasses above the tank. ( duh!)

Without getting too technical ( unless you like technical in which case check out level.htm for an update) the unit now uses capacitance  rather than magnetics to measure the level.

It was actually easier to use the "floating shop" than the one I had at home! It was a close tie with the business shop we had, probably because everything is organized now. I just had to mention this as it was really cool to do!

Click for bigger image
August 13th, 14th & 15th
Since the launch we have had a couple of outings, to try the sails, and check the balance of both sails and lead in the bottom. She seems pretty balanced for now, although the wave heights were 6 feet at best, and the helm is not too weight to weather, even though we only felt 20 knot winds at best. The heal angle is exceptionally small. 10 degrees with 15 knots abeam, and even the mast rigging guys said she feels more solid than usual when going aloft.

The only real issue, which presented some inconvenience while out there, was the exhaust system. The waterline being some 6" higher on the hull than the designer proposed, created a potential danger for the dry exhaust system and the engine. I estimated that beyond a 30 degree heal, water would enter over the "loop" and flood the engine. We had installed a remotely operated butterfly valve at the hull fitting, but this was only to act as a splash guard. If we were healed to 45 degrees and wave buried the exhaust "hole" the butterfly valve would limit the surge of water that would ensue. Now, because of the new waterline, the whole thing would constantly be underwater and eventually the loop would be flooded.

 The only solution, albeit ugly, would be to redo the whole exhaust system from the hull to the muffler. After some delegation and consideration, we decided it should once again be done in stainless. Because we no longer have welders, cutters, and material, the local welding shop's services , right here in the marina, were requested.

 They estimated, with materials, the job would cost about $1200. That's not bad, but Gena wouldn't have it! She marched of to a local scrap dealer and found all of the pipe, unions, couplers, and elbows we would need. She then cut and fit everything and took sections in for them to weld. Over a couple of days the job was done in time for our next outing. She toiled late into the evening to get the insulation on, and make the aluminum casings for that out of duct aluminum. Perseverance!

  The exhaust works great! No more smell from the leaky flex pipe, and we can rest comforted that only a knock down would allow water into the muffler's catch...if the compression allowed it that far.

    Click HERE to play in Windows Media Player
..or youtube1.htm#exhaust if this won't work for you
Click for bigger images
August 16th
 Anchors away! Even though the boat needs to be hauled out for a good anti-fouling bottom coat, we have had it in our agenda to take her out and try our anchoring skills.
See voyages1.htm for a "log" of our first anchoring experiences.

Don't worry, everything went well with only a few minor snags!

September, October, November 2008
Trips back and forth from Alberta to the coast and back have taken most of our time, and kept us busy with little projects also hauled back and forth.
See "Finishing Up" and "Projects Aboard" for lots of details on what we've been up to during the fall.
October 8  2008
   When we were "out there" we noticed how poorly the compass was reading. It was way out no matter what direction we were heading. As a result, once ashore, we searched through our books and also downloaded more info on compass adjustment, then removed the compass.

We took it to Garry point as that would offer some bouys, and landmarks with which to corelate the compass with the charts. This is a pretty tricky procedure and varies from compass to compass, but once all was adjusted, the tests looked pretty promising. Notice the board with 90º marks.

  The photo to the right doesn't really show the sandheads "lighthouse" (it's hard to see in the full size image as it's white like the background) but the line drawn at right angles to the horizon verifies the 238º heading on the compass.

Now if only it would work once back mounted on the boat. The deviation of the steel on the boat being magnetized still from the welding will slacken off over time an with use, so we'll be making a compass card for now. This is so headings can be estimated based on know deviations at N,S,E & W.

All in all it was a successful mission!

December 2008
  At first the idea was to stay on the boat, while in dry dock, over Christmas as Vancouver is a lovely place to be during the holidays. That idea swiftly became a bad idea after we spend 2 weeks aboard freezing our butts off! It turned out that this winter was the coldest on record since 1938! Figures!

There were some nights at -15º! The poor diesel heater could barely keep up and we had to run it continually day and night. We soon became fed up ( with that and no water for fear it would freeze in the pipes/tanks - remember, we're not in the water now!) so we tucked our tails between our legs and headed back to the house and Alberta for Christmas.

February 26 2009 - on a sad note..
  Our long time friend and fellow crew Poutine passed away today from heart murmur complications and will be sadly missed by us both.

  We are comforted with the facts that he had a great Christmas (photo) and a few comfortable sails on the boat that we perhaps neglected him some to build.

  Gena made a people-like headstone for him in the yard, the place he has always called home,  and we buried him there. It was the hardest thing either of us have ever done.

We'll miss you little guy. RIP.

"Poutine" July 18, 1998 - Feb.26, 2009
March 18 2009
As I have mentioned in the forum, for the past month I have been undergoing vision correction surgery. At last no more glasses!! I have been planning this for some time, but had no idea how expensive and time consuming it would be.

Here is an excerpt from the forum:

  New eyes,

  Actually, it's only one eye so far. I had always planned on getting laser surgery on my eyes so I would no longer need to wear glasses. They are a real pain at my prescription, where, without them I'm basically blind.
Sailing with glasses is even more complicated. Salt spray quickly builds up on them, and rain/wind when coming into a marina gets pretty dangerous. One can't just stop to wipe off ones glasses hey.

  Diving is somewhat of a lesser experience with "close diopter" lenses in the goggles, and again, with my high prescription googles are almost useless. (and expensive!)

  The morbid fear of loosing them overboard (at $500/pr) is ever present, and causes me to take chances while on deck I shouldn't. Contacts for me must be torric, and don't work for whatever reason. Tried all different types over 6 months, even the optometrist was getting pissed I think..
Anyway, if you haven't got the idea by now, you won't ever. SO I sauntered into the laser clinic full of hope and expectations, only to find that they can't do a thing. "Too risky, nobody will do it" I was warned. I cried all the way home.

  I discovered another option called RLE. That's where they blast apart the original lens with ultrasonics, then insert a prosthetic lens. This is great for sufferers of cataracs, elderly who are usually already using heavy reading glasses for close-up, but I'm still pretty young and can still focus well.

Another option is the ICL, basically an implanted contact lens that goes behind the iris. Way cool I thought! Well the price is about that of a small car, (pre-big-3-hand-out-prices) but after consulting my partner in crime, we decided it'd be worth it.
Last week I went in for the iridotomy, where two holes are basically punched into each eye's iris to allow "emergency relief valves" in case the lens blocks internal eye flow, then yesterday I had the first implant.
It was a VERY weird experience, probably something like doing acid in the 60's. Lots of swirling colors, movement, weirdness,and brightness. But here I am, a day later typing this without my glasses! Recovery time is much faster than laser.

  It is such an awsome feeling of freedom to me! Almost as good as sitting on the bow sliding through a smooth sea with nothing but open horizon ahead. (I plan to do that again now I can see!). One thing I noticed "boy do I look strange!" which means literally I didn't recognize myself without glasses. I know this probably sounds stupid to anyone with 20/20 all their life, but to anyone thinking about it! It's way more worth it than a new car.
  Today at my checkup I was told I have better than 20/20. Now there's something I never thought I'd hear an optometrist say to ME!!

One more eye to go,
Cheers all, from One very happy kid :))


  Well the time for eye#2 came and every thing went smoothly. This eye is even better than the other OMG! I had to go in today and they put more "stuff" in there so things are a bit fuzzy now, but for a few brief hours this afternoon I could see soooo clearly! Can't wait for tomorrow. Seeing in 3-d after two weeks of 2-D is quite amazing, like being a little kid again!

  This is truly wonderful, even snow (ya ug! snow!) looks beautiful, and I can't wait to "see" the expanse on the ocean horizon. I recommend this to anyone who has to wear glasses, it's very liberating.

Ooops gotta get off Gena's 'puter
73's and cheers,


April 24th 2009
After an expensive wait over winter ( over $6k just for boat storage not including gas for the 20 1300 km trips we made!) we have finally sold the house!

Possession date is mid May so we'd better get things cleaned up! Another (final) trip out to the boat with the remaining projects we we doing is in order, and another visiting trip out as far as Manitoba is also planned as we have promised various "things" to various people.

I had to go see my parents as they are leaving for a month in the UK at the beginning of May, so it'll be a long time before we see them again.

  Although we have sold tons of stuff on Ebay, especially in the last month, and made tons of money off of it, some things are more valuable to just give away to family and friends. This 'puter, my giant monster /hi-speed/mega video machine, will be donated to my step dad as his is painfully slow. ( We noticed how bad it was on the last visit, and wondered how he could have such patience with it!) 
  Tools, doggie treats/food, books, binders, spices, food, and odd furniture bits have all been given away to neighbors while most of the rest was hauled to the dump. I couldn't even guess how many garbage bags we have hauled to the dump. It's scary really! As you may know, the initial cleaning out of the house was way back last spring/summer. We hauled 100's of bags out then. Just in the last couple of weeks we are at 40 bags, and there's still at least another 20 to go! Unreal!

Me and Mom, last visit
Anyway, we are soooo looking forward to saying goodbye to cold weather and being so far from our love, the boat and the ocean.

Speaking of cold weather, now keep in mind that this is almost May, look at the panoramic photo of our yard below. February in most places, but not here! Looks pretty bare without the boat hey?

Well timed  gathering at Gena's parents
May 8th 2009 - Vaccines, Turkey shoot
Just returned from the "drop off last of stuff" trip to the boat. I also test mounted the "new" pedestal computer case and it looks great! (see pro52b.htm for more on that project)
Before we went, we searched around for a place in Edmonton to get all of the immunization shots we require. The price for so many different vaccinations is quite high, in excess of $1k each. Then Gena decided to check Vancouver for places there as it didn't really work into out schedule. The total price ended up being $800, (for us both including some supplies!) so we, of course, went there instead. How can there be such a huge difference? Who knows. Like I told the girl at the clinic in Vancouver, "they must think we  Albertans have oil gushing from our ears!"

  We purchased some water treatment tablets and more importantly, a bio-filter that will enable us to drink contaminated water in the case our watermaker packs it in. It's a possibility for sure. Also some syringes, and some other bits to add to our arsenal of medical supplies. We're considering purchasing a 1-shot syringe for anaphylactic shock treatment. A really good thing around jelly fish and other such stinging nasties. It's expensive, $100 for a little thing like that, but then how glad we would be to have it should the unfortunate happen?

  On another note, provincial health insurance, albeit very good for anyone residing in Canada, becomes useless in a very short time once out of the country. Therefor, we must get health insurance. Probably a good idea, although Gena encountered a bit of resistance from yours truly. I'm pretty healthy, and plan to stay that way, but on the flip side, accidents happen. Reluctantly I must give in.
  There are some things that make it "all not sorta worth it really/maybe".
-The deductible is $5000: I know that is a mere pittance compared to hospital bills from anything worse than a sprained thumb in the US, but many other places in the world wouldn't charge that much unless it was something VERY serious like a heart surgery and the like.
-If you are diving, scuba or otherwise, you're not covered under the "poor-mans"(i.e.<$2k/yr) plan.
-Smoker? "Smoking related" illnesses (Which could be anything really) not covered.
-Diabetic history: sorry you're not covered.
-Questions on pretty much everything else you might have had/have/could have that will likely increase the insurance   rate. (Must give family doc's name so can't lie!)
-Age. I am 7 years younger than Gena (haha! Thought you were going to find out hey?) so my rate is less by a couple hun.

  I understand they must protect their interests, but it makes me wonder what we're actually getting coverage for?
Well enough of that, I tend to ramble.

Shooting to Turkey

Other news this date is we have finally decided to buy a house on the shores of Turkey. We were going to wait until we sailed there, but they are about to join the E-U, and the Brits are poised to buy. With a recoverey starting from the recession this all can only mean one thing. Skyrocketing prices. We must buy now. Homes are soooo cheap there it's unbelievable, and near beautiful beaches and resorts, marinas and conveniences like bars, shopping, & restaurants.
Google Turkish Real Estate if you don't believe.

Anyway, that pipe dream needs to become a reality pretty soon or we'll miss out. Gena's on the phone booking plane ticks as I type this. Better learn some Turkish ;)


June 1st 2009 - Shooting to Turkey...shot down!
Unfortunately, we were unable to fit the trip to Turkey in. Even once all of the formalities were ironed out, we realized there was way to much more to do before pulling out. Projects abound so to speak. Guess we'll be delaying that trip.
And so the news:
We are finally officially homeless and living out on the coast...homeless but not boatless! This is quite a transition, and a sort of intangible weird feeling, like intuition. Having no "house" is strange for both of us. But over the last week, the boat has become home.
We ran around to everyone in our families, some whom we haven't seen for over 10 years, for a last visit before we go (and never come back hehe!) That involved 44 hours of driving, and a happy arrival at our destination.
We plan to re-launch on June 15, but it may be sooner depending on how bored we get, which thus far hasn't been a problem.

There was/is so much still to do!
When we arrived, I was partially incapacitated from late afternoon to night by headaches and a sore neck. It has happened before, and coming from 3800 feet down to sea level is quite a pressure change. I think my bones don't like that change. After 3 days I felt fine.
In the mornings though I did lots, as did Gena.
All of the hatches and portlights needed to be cleaned, bird poop everywhere, so that took the rest of the first day.
The second day was raining so inside work. I finally wired in the Ethernet that connects my computer to Genas computer, the dash computer, the pedestal computer, and the MediaGate to be installed in the entertainment center. It can hold 500 movies! I also mounted my 2nd PC monitor, I usually need two screens when doing music or CG stuff, and cut down the outer hatch handles over the galley/salon so they'd clear the lifts. (Which has been an annoyance!)
Gena brought her monitor too, although it's a monster and sucks tons of power. Her eyes are getting to be a problem with reading etc, so the big monitor helps alot. She somehow managed to squeeze it into the back of her desk. I can see a power struggle coming ha ha!
She doesn't have any problems seeing what to throw away though. 50lbs+ of junk was hauled out of the boat and thrown away it only a couple of hours.

On the 3rd day it was still raining, so I installed the MediaGate & extra drive where the PYLE DVD player was, which was a 4 hour project. Don't ever buy a PYLE! It a PYLE of SH***! We'd be watching a movie and boom! Right near the end it'd start skipping. Very annoying for a $250 DVD player! Part of it is on my desk right now, the rest is in the garbage bin.
Gena went shopping for some anchor hardware, and sealed up the standpipe plugs. Before they were just tightened in, but we figure it's safer to seal them. They'll still be removable for cleaning, just a bit messier.

On the forth day it finally looked as if it'd be sunny for a few days, so I began masking the whole bulwark rail and aft edging/ deck edging to give the white parts of the boat a bright shiney Color Your Hippo (boxliner paint) finish. As the dew still forms in the mornings, I decided to do the forward half first, then the aft half the day after.
I started at 8 AM and it was finished by 4PM. Tape was peeled at 11PM. Gena did the top inside while I tippy-toed on top of the short ladder to paint the outside.

On the fifth day, we could really see how faded and chalky the ceram-kote 54 had become in 2 years, comparing it to the Hippo. Hippo is on the decks, cabins, and pilothouse, and doesn't seem to have faded at all! It's pretty tough stuff as long as you're not dragging gritty boots across it, which is was happened on the port side boarding area. Boatyards are pretty dirty. Our bad.
Anyway, the aft was a little tricky because of the portlights, but came out just lovely! The whole boat is now bright and sparkly!


On the 6th day I decided to fix some doors that had been sticking etc. The doors in the head had expanded enough they wouldn't close so I made that priority. I took almost 1/4" off this time ( I say this time because Gena had done it before!) Now they close and we're happy. I like my privacy in the head. It's like a little getaway place I suppose.
Next was the drawer in my desk that jams shut which was actually very easy to fix after all, then a door aft next to the berth which decided it'd had enough of closing at all. Then I installed an outside switch for the horn. That's kinda important hey? While I was at it, I installed the interface box for the pedistal (under the cockpit).
After a long day I decided to sit back in bed and watch a movie on the little screen aft. Well lo and behold! The bloody audio went on the other PYLE of junk DVD player!! I went ballistic and broke off the little door so it was trash. Luckily we have one more left, and I need to change the screen to a widescreen LCD that we had brought along because Gena thinks the other is too small.
Gena hauled out another 100+ lbs of junk, including the old PYLE, and has been writing the new locations of everything in a pad according to areas of the boat, underfloor, under aft berth, etc. Good idea!


On the seventh day, yesterday, I installed the new monitor aft, moved the small one on to the dash for our "free" wireless camera that will be mounted on the radar arch so we're not blind behind when in in the pilothouse, and Gena wired that all up around the dash. Then she ran a second CAT5 cable to the pedistal for me, and installed a second marine VHF underneath in a locker for the AIS ship locator system. She also ran the coax and mounted yet another antenna on the radar arch for that.
Is there such a thing as too much electronics on a boat? We obviously don't think so ha ha!

Today was a little more layed back ( only 8 or so hours of work ) with another 50+ lbs of junk into the bin from my desk and cupboards in the pilothouse, then some reverse rectifiers on the windlass solenoid (both sides) to get rid of the sparks that may have jammed it on a couple of times while in the islands, and, OMG I almost forgot! The potty lid mast hole cover! (photo right) Yes, that is a toilet lid. Cheap, finished wood!

I finished off by tying the netting all back down along the bulwark rails as it had been lifted for painting.

There are still a few more things to do but very soon, we'll at least be under way.

Oh, and did a test fir of the Pedestal Display PC case thing  somewhere back there. (photos below)


 Go to projects: pro52b.htm for more pictures of that.

That's about it for now!


June 16th 2009 - Back in! ...And Away We Go!
At long last Dulcie-Darlene is back in her domain, sitting happily at the dock ready to work wonders and make our dreams come true! I went through my normal stomach cramps and nervousness as time led up to the travel lift coming over and picking her up, but once she went in, I breathed a sigh of relief. It seems we sleep better in the water to, perhaps that gentle rocking motion?
My first order of business was to get to the top of the mast and mount that illusive MastCam. A shot of rhum, and some prep, and up I went. After 2 hours, I had managed to loose the feed string while trying to pull the needed extra  wire down the mast pipe, and was in despair. We went over to see Paul at Ocean Rigging, and he lent us some 1/8" SS cable to push down, then re-assured me that "it might take time, but you'll get it through".

Sure enough, the next morning I went back up, and after 3.5 hours up there had the camera mounted, cable through, and siliconed a hole or two that (we think) was feeding rainwater down the mast.

A few minutes of custom wiring the remote to 2 locations inside the boat, and we had MastCam (spycam hehe) video in full color on the TV! What a fun toy this is! It was also for searching for coral in shallows, scoping out marinas from a-high, and checking our rigging. The latter has already been useful as we noticed a twist in the Jenny head strap, which would've gone unnoticed from least until it broke!
Here's some youtube video from the MastCam:

 We had tried fro a couple of weeks to sell the car, but there were major obstacles. Here in BC the is a clean air cegistration ( or certification) that means one must get the emissions tested every 2 years. The there is the BC inspection for safety, which, unfortunately, doesn't recognize Alberta's safety standards. This would cost about $300, even if they found nothing wrong. We knew the from window would need to be replaced as there were several rock chips in it, and perhaps the back brakes. As soon as a potential buyer would find out the car is from Alberta, they would run!

The used car dealerships said that we'd be best off to take the car to the wreckers. The wreckers would only give us $50 for it, (I'm talking a 1998 car here! ) but we know it would cost more than $50 in cab fare to get back here.

The fact that we have just spent over $1000 here getting the front end re-done and bought new rubber in the past few weeks only served to irritate the situation. Luckily, we discovered that one of Gena's relatives has sons that are interested in a car, so we gave it to him. At least the car will be used. We took very good care of it. Bye car.

Now we are free to go! At last!
I have started a log of our cruising around the islands in preparation for going into "big water" at cruisingaround. I will be updating it as we go, and if there's internet ;) News will still be posted time to time here, but Logs are where it's at.

Fair winds to all,

Sandy and Gena (VE6SDS & VE6GEM)
S/V Dulcie-Darlene

Ready to rock! Notice the new waterline? Sweet!



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