Sorry the
images aren't that good! I was so excited about the
webcam, I forgot to actually take any pictures. Because of shrinkage during the
welding up of the poop-deck plate, the cockpit supports
had bent and twisted under the strain. These were just
temporary to hold up the cockpit anyway, and needed a
stronger base ( or they may punch a hole on the bottom of
the boat if anything big and heavy landed in the cockpit,
ie. a wave! ) A large support was welded in place, and
heavier 1 1/2" angle layed in over the origional
1" angle. This stiffened everything up nicely.
Also there is now a place
to attach the doors on the closet that will be under the
cockpit. The next job
to be done was to put in the first frame for the aft
berth, a queensize matress in dimension. We used a 2x2
for this as it will also act as a stiffener for the
rudder assembly with verticals going down to the frame
below it. (left)
More frames were
"L"ed for panelling to be attached.
(Pic left, I'm hiding my eyes from the welding
flash, amongst other things! ) The top edge over the
portlights was also put in. I wanted to do them
in wood but this is easier and will work equally
as well.
Looks like we won't
have any wood framing again! It's too bad I
designed the portlights with the origional
thickness of only 1/4" in mind or it would
have worked.
I was coming down
with something so Gena took over the rest of the
work alone putting in the rest of the berth
frames. It's going to be tight as the aft corners
come right into the transom. ( no pics because
the webcam was aimed wrong! ) At these points very little
insulation will be used and we hope their won't
be any problems with that. The direction of the
berth is of course port to starboard and will be
the most comfortable on the whole boat! We won't
have any problem sharing it.
In the photo to the
left we are discussing exactly how the floor will
be done. It's a tricky issue back here because
the level floor backs every so slightly into the
wall slope, the two are almost indestinguishable.
It's more an issue
of where the floor will end than how.
final decision ( made by me hehe ) is to use some
3/8" ply raised to butt into the 3/4"
which will be supported with foam, that will
enable a smooth transition into the fiberglass
panel. ( if we use it ) The whole floor is being
raised by 2-3/4" plus 3/4" thick. The
headroom is still fine for us, but someone 6'
tall may bump in places. Who cares? We're not
growing anymore ha ha!